Summer Sanghas Retreat at Adhisthana: Living With Kindness

Summer Sanghas Retreat at Adhisthana: Living With Kindness

30/08/2024 to 06/09/2024

Led by Sadddanandi and team

The natural tendency of the mind is to set limits and settle down, but positive emotion goes against this tendency

We have all been taught the Metta Bhavana, and it is tempting to imagine we know what we will get with a retreat on kindness. But do we consistently act to nurture the seeds of metta in our hearts and minds? It is possible to live our everyday lives in a way that aligns them with one of the most powerful qualities a human can possess, and it starts by facing our obstacles to kindness.

With practical exploration of the theme through meditation, talks and group discussion, this retreat will draw together Sangharakshita’s teachings on metta to equip those attending to return to their Sanghas with greater confidence and connection with their practice and others. 

This is a 7-day residential retreat open to a number of Triratna sanghas. We have ten places allocated for this retreat where we will join with other sanghas from all over the UK but we will come together as the York sangha for group and study sessions. Shakyapada will be leading group discussions

This is a repeat of 2023's very enjoyable summer sanghas retreat and is open to all practising with the York sangha. 

The retreat is open to all York sangha members. Please book with Adhisthana direct under the York tab.