Come Alive to Peace and Contentment

Meditation and Buddhism for Everyone in the Heart of York

Classes and Eventsor Dharma Day Celebration - a Hermit`s Pujaor New Thursday Daytime Group - Meditation and Introduction to Buddhism

Change Your Life - Change the World

Our experience of the world is forever changing. Things can go well, and this makes us happy, joyful and content. But sometimes things can go less well and this can lead to sadness, disappointment, frustration and even anger. The Buddha called these ups and downs of life The Worldly Winds. And he taught a way of dealing with them that can lead to true peace and contentment – whatever might befall us in our lives. At York Buddhist Centre we are committed to passing on the Buddha's wisdom in ways that are accessible to people in the West. Our approach is practical and friendly. No one is expected to become a Buddhist.  'to become a Buddhist' we are just very happy for you to join us and enjoy the benefits of what we teach.

Recognising that people have different needs, we aim to welcome everyone, regardless of their:
Age, Gender and Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Race, Colour, National Origin, Ethnic Origin, Religious Belief, Economic Status, Social Status, Parental Status. You can read our Diversity Statement here.                                          

A Friendly, Vibrant Community

A Friendly, Vibrant Community

We teach meditation and Buddhism at our centre at 17 Walmgate, York YO1 9TX. 

This is the hub of our friendly, thriving community: local people who are meditating together and exploring the Buddha's teaching on how to be truly happy in their lives.

York Buddhist Centre is part of the worldwide Triratna Buddhist Community which was founded in 1968 by Sangharakshita, an English Buddhist monk who spent 20 years in India absorbing the depth and breadth of the Buddhist teachings.

Unlike most Buddhist Schools, which practise in a very particular way, we teach from the whole of the Buddhist tradition which means that Triratna Buddhism is particularly accessible and effective for those of us in the West.

A Sustainable Buddhist Centre in the Heart of York

A Sustainable Buddhist Centre in the Heart of York

York Buddhist Centre

As a spiritual community we take our practice of ethics seriously, and the time has now come to respond to the need to extend this practice to include a global perspective: what we consume and buy has a direct effect on communities across the globe; what we do and how we live now has a direct effect on future generations. 
This Centre is therefore committed to the 10 Steps of the Triratna Sustainable Centre Scheme



Open to All

Open to All

We welcome everyone over 18. You don’t need to be a Buddhist. We are simply happy to share the Buddha’s teachings to help everyone lead happier, more fulfilled lives in this turbulent world. 

Access: There is one step up at the front door and we have a ramp for wheelchair access. Please contact us in advance if you have access issues:

We do not charge for any of our classes.* and no one at our centre is paid. However since we have no outside income, we do rely on the generosity of those who use our Centre, for our continued existence. So if you are able to give a donation it would be appreciated very much indeed. 

*Except for a small booking fee on some events

Come Alive to Peace and Contentment - EVENING Course

Come Alive to Peace and Contentment - EVENING Course

Buddhism is less a religion and more a way of living our lives so that we feel happier and more content in the world. Even when things do not go our way, we can learn to accept that, sometimes, this is the way things are. We also learn to be more present in the good times and to appreciate the richness of our precious human lives. Step by step we'll explore how we can do this in our own lives.

Each week will include a guided meditation and practical, down-to-earth teachings to help you transform your life.

An Introduction to Meditation - DAYTIME Course

An Introduction to Meditation - DAYTIME Course

Find More Peace in Your Life
Have you noticed how busy your mind is?
For most people, thoughts come and go in a torrent. Busy minds use up energy and constantly propel us from one difficult mental state to another. Regular meditation practice helps us to deal more easily with whatever life throws at us
day by day. It also helps us to be kinder and more positive towards ourselves and others

In this five-week course you will learn three meditations: Mindfulness of the Body, Mindfulness of Breathing and Loving-Kindness Meditation Everyone over 18 is welcome (you don't have to be a Buddhist or wish to become one).

Come Alive to Peace and Contentment - DAYTIME Course

Come Alive to Peace and Contentment - DAYTIME Course

Buddhism is less a religion and more a way of living our lives so that we feel happier and more content in the world. Even when things do not go our way, we can learn to accept that, sometimes, this is the way things are. We also learn to be more present in the good times and to appreciate the richness of our precious human lives. Step by step we'll explore how we can do this in our own lives.

Each week will include a guided meditation and practical, down-to-earth teachings to help you transform your life.

An Introduction to Meditation - EVENING Course

An Introduction to Meditation - EVENING Course

Find More Peace in Your Life
Have you noticed how busy your mind is?
For most people, thoughts come and go in a torrent. Busy minds use up energy and constantly propel us from one difficult mental state to another. Regular meditation practice helps us to deal more easily with whatever life throws at us
day by day. It also helps us to be kinder and more positive towards ourselves and others

In this five-week course you will learn three meditations: Mindfulness of the Body, Mindfulness of Breathing and Loving-Kindness Meditation Everyone over 18 is welcome (you don't have to be a Buddhist or wish to become one).

Explore our Meditation Archive

Over 400 videos are available on demand from our Facebook page (click the video tab) or our YouTube Channel (just search for Triratna York). All the meditations are guided so they are suitable for everyone (even if you have never meditated before). Meditations include Body Awareness, Self-care, Giving and Receiving, Mindfulness of Breathing and Loving-Kindness for ourselves and others. So dive in and enjoy the wonderful benefits of regular meditation.