Regular classes and one-off events exploring Buddhist practice

Thursday DAYTIME Class:
Exploring Buddhist Practice
The Buddha discovered the path to true happiness 2,500 years ago and now people in the West are benefitting more and more from his practical advice. Join us for this new daytime class which is exploring practical ways to calm our busy minds and change our lives for the better. Surprisingly, this doesn't mean 'becoming religious' but rather, exploring how we create our own pain and learning different ways of dealing with the difficulties in our lives. Come when you can.
Join anytime! This daytime drop-in class is open to everyone over 18. There is no pressure to become a Buddhist - it is simply intended to help you live your life in a more peaceful and fulfilling way.

The Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path
The Buddha's Eightfold Path represents the classic and practical introduction to Buddhist thought and lifestyle. It also provides a very comprehensive overview of Buddhist life and practice. If we commit ourselves to it fully, it can transform our lives and eventually take us all the way to Enlightenment itself. From Wednesday 5th February we will be exploring, week by week, each of the Buddha's eight branches of the Path and relating his teaching to our own lives through talks, discussion and reflection.
Complete newcomers are very welcome as this is an excellent introduction to Buddhism, but this course will also help those with experience to go deeper in their practice. No need to book - just turn up when you can.