Day Retreats and Residential Retreats

<b>Day Retreat</b><br> Going Deeper in Meditation

Day Retreat
Going Deeper in Meditation

Sunday 23 March 10:30am – 4pm

Cultivating Samadhi (complete concentration) and the Dhyana states of Rapture, Joy and Equanimity As our meditation practice develops and our mind becomes more supple and open to some control, we can begin to access states that were previously unobtainable. Samadhi is a state of ‘just being’ where thought processes have ceased and the mind and body are perfectly still. The dhyanas are progressive states of deepening meditation where our minds and bodies progress from feeling of rapture to complete peacefulness and equanimity.

Open to all those over 18 who have a regular meditation practice. Places are limited to 20 so booking is essential.

<b>Day Retreat</b> <br> North-Eastern Women who have asked for Ordination

Day Retreat
North-Eastern Women who have asked for Ordination

Sunday 27 April 10:30am – 4:30pm

This is a day for Women in Newcastle, Scarborough, York and Leeds who have asked for ordination.

During the day we'll be continuing our exploration of the Dasadhamma Sutta: Discourse on The Ten Dhammas. During the day we'll be exploring the Dasadhamma Sutta: Discourse on The Ten Dhammas. This will be a wonderful way to review our practice, to rejoice in ways we have changed and developed and to identify our next steps in taking our practice further?

Open to Women from Newcastle, Leeds, Scarborough, York and the north-east who have asked for ordination.

<b> Spring Sangha Retreat </b><br>Padmasambhava and his teaching on Faith

Spring Sangha Retreat
Padmasambhava and his teaching on Faith

Friday 16 May – Monday 19 May

Join us on our extended Spring Sangha Retreat for a long weekend of living, meditating and practising together in near-perfect conditions. Taravandana and Shakyapada will be leading this retreat and together will be exploring the life of Padmasambhava and studying one of his most important teachings - on sraddha or faith.

Our new retreat venue - Barmoor - is a stunning Arts and Crafts house standing in a quiet location on the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors near Hutton-le-Hole. This retreat is open to everyone who is a regular sangha member from York and Scarborough.

<b> Adhisthana</b><br>International Summer Sanghas Retreat | Invoking Padmasambhava: The Precious Master | Bhante 100

International Summer Sanghas Retreat | Invoking Padmasambhava: The Precious Master | Bhante 100

Sunday 24 August – Sunday 31 August

Led by Subhuti + team
This is going to be a large international gathering in the big marquee and the stunning surroundings of Adhisthana. It is primarily a camping (or camper vanning) retreat. Members of our sangha are invited to join these celebrations around Sangharakshita's 100th Birthday and learn more about the life and practice of Padmasambhava. There will be no official York party but why not team up with friends and make your own way there? Booking is direct with Adhisthana.

Costs will be as follows: Standard £330 | Concession £265 | Financial Assistance £210 (payment includes a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of £70).

<b>Autumn Sangha Retreat</b> <br>Kshitigarbha - Rescuing beings from from the hell realms <br>

Autumn Sangha Retreat
Kshitigarbha - Rescuing beings from from the hell realms

Friday 3 October – Sunday 5 October

Join us on our Autumn Sangha Retreat for a long weekend of living, meditating and practising together in near-perfect conditions. Mahasraddha and Shakyapada will be leading this retreat which will feature the Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha.

Open to all over 18 who are part of the York or Scarborough sanghas. Our new retreat venue - Barmoor stands in a quiet location on the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors near Hutton-le-Hole.

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