Spring Sangha Retreat
Padmasambhava and his teaching on Faith
Friday 16 May – Monday 19 May
Join us on our extended Spring Sangha Retreat for a long weekend of living, meditating and practising together in near-perfect conditions. Taravandana and Shakyapada will be leading this retreat and together will be exploring the life of Padmasambhava and studying one of his most important teachings - on sraddha or faith.
"Master Padma said: Tsogyal, to escape samsaric existence you must have faith in the path of liberation.
That is to say, faith arises through causes and conditions and not on its own."
Barmoor is a beautiful Arts and Crafts house built in 1908 and situated north of York on the outskirts of Hutton-le-Hole, on the edge of the moors and about an hour's drive from York. The retreat will be for 3 nights - beginning with dinner on the Friday evening at 6pm and finishing on Monday afternoon around 3.00pm. We would prefer all retreatants to stay until the end but, if you need to leave late Sunday afternoon (for work on Monday, say) you may do so. We will try to arrange lifts for those without cars.
Expect meditation, talks, discussion, tasty vegan food, comfy beds, log fires and a lovely friendly and enjoyable weekend. Everyone will be asked to share some basic tasks such as vegetable chopping, washing up etc. There will be free time on Saturday and Sunday afternoons when you might like to explore the surrounding countryside or have a snooze.
This retreat is open to all members of the York and Scarborough sanghas and is the perfect opportunity to experience a retreat if you haven't been on one before. Space is limited so please book early. If you book by 30th April the deposit is £85 - on 1st May and after it is £95. The deposit includes 3 nights board and meals of delicious vegan food. This deposit covers our basic costs and we ask you to donate extra at the end of the retreat if you can, or when booking. We suggest an extra donation of between £50 to £100 but the amount is up to you.
Remember: Book before £30th April and save £10!
Meanwhile take a look at our last retreat at Barmoor here

This is the basic cost of this retreat but we would ask everyone for an additional donation at the end of the retreat (or when booking) of £50 to £100 or whatever is manageable.