Thursday DAYTIME Drop-In - Introducing Meditation and Buddhism

Thursday DAYTIME Drop-In - Introducing Meditation and Buddhism

Every Thursday - Meditation and Introduction to Buddhism. There will be a short break around 12 noon
Each week we will start with a guided meditation and, after a tea break, we'll explore some aspect of the Buddha's teaching. You may join us for just the meditation or the whole session.
This regular group is a perfect introduction to Buddhism and meditation practice and is run on a drop-in basis - come as often as you can but it doesn't matter if you miss weeks as each session will be complete in itself.

This is a drop-in class so come when you can - no need to book

From Thursday 20th June: Introducing the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path 

Finding a sense of peace in this turbulent world is not easy. The Eightfold Path is a classic and practical introduction to Buddhist thought and practice and a very comprehensive overview of the Buddhist life. If we commit ourselves to it fully, it can transform our lives and eventually take us all the way to Enlightenment!

Week by week we will be exploring each of the Buddha's branches of the Path and relating his guidance to our own lives through talks, discussion and reflection. Complete newcomers are very welcome as this is an excellent introduction to Buddhism, but this course will also help those who already have some experience to go deeper in their practice.

There will also be a guided meditation each week - one which follows the breath and helps calm the mind and one which cultivates loving-kindness to ourselves and others.

Come whenever you can, each week is complete in its own right. 

Week One: 20th June - The Path of Vision - Seeing the potential in our life
Week Two: 27th June - Perfect Emotion - Cultivating a positive direction in our lives
Week Three: 11th July - Perfect Speech - Creating Harmony through the way we speak
Week Four: 25th July- Perfect Action - Being more ethical in our interaction with the world. 
Week Five: 1st August - Perfect Livelihood - Bringing our spiritual practice to our work

Week Six: 8th August - Perfect Effort - Guarding the gates of our minds
Week Seven: 15th August - Perfect Awareness - Being fully present in the world and in our lives
Week Eight: 22nd August - Perfect Meditation - Equanimity and contentment in our life

All over 18 Welcome. Suitable for all levels of experience - or none

There is no need to book, just turn up

DONATIONS: If you can, we ask you to make a donation each week when you attend. We suggest £8 to £12 each week but please give what you can. York Buddhist Centre has no outside income or support and no one is paid. So these classes are given freely in a spirit of friendship. However it costs over £3500 per month to keep York Buddhist Centre open so we depend on the generous support of those who use our centre. 

Shakyapada   Led by Shakyapada