The Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path
The Buddha's Eightfold Path represents the classic and practical introduction to Buddhist thought and lifestyle. It also provides a very comprehensive overview of Buddhist life and practice. If we commit ourselves to it fully, it can transform our lives and eventually take us all the way to Enlightenment itself.
From Wednesday 5th February we will be exploring, week by week, each of the Buddha's eight branches of the Path and relating his teaching to our own lives through talks, discussion and reflection.
Complete newcomers are very welcome as this is an excellent introduction to Buddhism, but this course will also help those with experience to go deeper in their practice.
All over 18 are welcome. Suitable for all levels of experience - or none. No need to book - just turn up when you can.
DONATIONS: We ask you to make a donation each week when you attend. We suggest £10 each week but please give what you can.
Week One - 5th February: Perfect View - The Buddha's vision of the perfect life
Week Two - 12th February: Perfect Emotion (1) - Developing positive states of mind
Week Three - 19th February: Perfect Emotion (2) - Living in the Divine Abodes
Week Four - 26th February: Perfect Speech - The importance of skilful communication
There will be a break on 5th March for a special evening when some of our community will talk about what their practice means to them.
Week Five - 12th March: Perfect Action - How ethical practice has the power to transform our lives
Week Six - 19th March: Perfect Livelihood - The importance of work in our practice
Week Seven - 26th March: Perfect Effort - Guarding the gates of our mind
Week Eight - 2nd April: Perfect Awareness and Perfect Samadhi - Cultivating the ultimate mind states