Gender Diverse Morning - An Introduction to Meditation
Saturday 6 April 2024 10am – 12:30pm
Regular meditation helps us to cope more calmly to the challenges of life.
This is a morning of guided meditations and social contact for anyone who considers themselves to be gender diverse and would like to know more about the benefits of meditation. “Gender Diverse” is an umbrella term to describe a variety of experiences someone may have in respect of their gender identity, expression, or understanding where it does not conform to the norms and stereotypes which others expect.
Participants do not need to have meditated before but regular meditators are very welcome too.
The day will be led by Shakyapada Jenny Roberts who is an ordained Buddhist trans woman
Anyone who identifies as gender diverse is welcome to attend. Please feel free to come with an ally who is not gender diverse, if you wish.
Booking is essential - please follow the link below.
There is a small booking fee of £5 per person but otherwise the morning is freely given. We would however appreciate an additional small donation of around £5 to help cover our costs. But this is up to you. We are a charity funded by our users and no one is paid at YBC.

This morning is freely given apart from the booking fee but we would appreciate an additional donation of £5 on the day or when you book if you wish to do this.