Nourishing the Lotus Pool
Our precious Centre is like a Lotus Pool where people, like lotus's, can grow and blossom - and it needs your help
Our Appeal this Autumn
In our Budget for 2024 York Buddhist Centre was projecting a loss of £6,000
Shakyapada has been covering the Centre’s losses for the last six years and is currently donating £800 per month. She needs to reduce her donation next year to £200 per month. So we are asking for your help to fill the gap between our projected income (£40,000) and our expenses (£46,000).
We asked for help from the sangha to increase the Centre’s income by taking out a Standing order for £20 (or more).
UPDATE 28/11/2023
A big thank you to everyone who responded to our Standing Order appeal so far.
As you know we needed to raise an extra £500 per month from January 24 in order to break-even on our finances next year. We are so pleased to tell you that we have so far raised £422 of that target. So we only need another £78 in monthly standing orders to put us on secure ground in 2024.
Thank you to all those in the sangha who have been so helpful and generous - your commitment to the centre is heart warming and reassuring. Thank you to everyone who has a monthly standing order - old or new - for your support in these difficult times!
If you have not taken out a monthly standing order and would be able to do so then please help us to meet our target by arranging one with your bank.
If just 3 people take out a standing order for £30 then we will be there.
If just 5 people donate £20 per month then we will be there.
Please help your centre and donate whatever you can in a monthly Standing Order. It is really important to secure the future of York Buddhist Centre for yourself and others. Our bank details are below.
Our bank details:
Bank: Triodos Bank
Account name: Triratna Buddhist Community (York)
Account Sort Code: 16 58 10
Account Number: 21013977