Thursday Morning Meditation
Every Thursday Morning - 11.00 am to 11.50 am
Join us on any Thursday Morning at 11.00am for meditation until 11.50.
Each week we will practise one of two guided meditations - either the Mindfulness of Breathing or the Metta Bhavana (Loving-Kindness Meditation). Both of these practices help us to calm our mind and ultimately develop a sense of well-being and contentment. You may sit on a chair or a mat, the main thing is to be comfortable.
If you wish you are welcome to stay on after the break when we will discuss some aspect of Buddhist practice which can help us in our daily lives.
The session is open to everyone over 18. You don't need to be a Buddhist! And those new to meditation are very welcome.
We also meet on Saturday Mornings from 10.30am to 12.15pm
Please make a donation to help keep YBC open. We suggest £5 - £10 for this class.
York Buddhist Centre has no outside income and no one is paid. All donations go towards paying our rent and other expenses.