Finding Peace in a Turbulent World - an Introduction to Buddhism

Finding Peace in a Turbulent World - an Introduction to Buddhism

The Buddha noticed that true contentment seemed to elude most people. So, 2500 years ago he set out to discover the reasons for unhappiness and thereafter dedicated his life to teaching others practical ways to deal with disappointment, anxiety, anger, fear and upset. His teachings opened up the way to true contentment in life - and today - in our turbulent modern world - they are more relevant than ever.

Buddhism is less a religion and more a way of living our lives so that we feel happier and more content in the world. Even when things do not go our way, we can learn to accept that, sometimes, this is the way things are. We also learn to be more present in the good times and to appreciate the richness of our precious human lives. Each week will begin with a guided meditation* and then, after a tea break we will introduce practical, down-to-earth teachings to help you transform your life. There will be short workshops and an opportunity to ask questions and relate the teachings to your own life and experience.

*Meditation helps us to transform our lives: The Mindfulness of Breathing is an effective way to calm the mind and Metta Bhavana (Loving Kindness Meditation) helps us cultivate positive emotion for ourselves and others, helping to create harmony in the world and in our own mental states.

Booking is essential as places are limited

The programme will include:

Week One: The Buddha’s Journey and the Worldly Winds        

Week Two: The Worldly Winds and the Cycle of Suffering

Week Three: Hindrances, Wheels, Spirals and the 'Gap'

Week Four: The Worldly Winds, Karma and Natural Ethics

Week Five: Am I What I Think? How our Stories Create Suffering

Week Six: How Things Are Not as They Seem… and why it is important to see this

You don't have to be a Buddhist or wish to become a Buddhist to join this course. Our aim as a Buddhist Centre is to offer these practical down-to-earth teachings as a way for you to find greater contentment in your life. After participating in our courses some people usually do join our community but many others simply take the teachings away with them.

BOOKING: Payment each week is by donation except for the £15 booking fee which include a comprehensive 68 page guide to the course and a list of resources which you might find useful. To Book please follow the link below. You may pay by credit/debit card or PayPal. We are having issues with Stripe Card Payments but you can pay by Card by choosing the PayPal option and then, clicking pay by card (you may need to scroll down). You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account. Alternatively please email with name and telephone number and we will enrol you and you can pay on the day. Sorry for any inconvenience.

DONATIONS: York Buddhist Centre has no outside income or support and no one is paid. So these classes are given freely in a spirit of friendship. However we do have rent to pay and utilities and other running costs and we could not meet these without the generous support of those who use our centre. So, if you can, we ask you to make a donation either when you book or each week when you attend.  We suggest £8 to £12 each week or around £60 for the whole course but please give more or less according to your means.

Mark   Led by Mark
Book Now: £15

Apart from a £15 booking fee this day retreat is freely offered. However York Buddhist Centre has no outside income so an additional donation of £10 each week, or £60 when booking, (or whatever you can afford) would be very much appreciated.

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