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Seven Weeks to Enlightenment - Week Seven, Under the Rajayatana Tree

Seven Weeks to Enlightenment - Week Seven, Under the Rajayatana Tree

Thursday 23 May 2024 – Friday 24 May 2024

The Buddha is said to have taken 7 weeks to become fully Enlightened, weeks which he spent meditating and reflecting under and around the Bodhi Tree. 

In this series we're joining the Buddha as he moves from his initial Awakening towards full and perfect Enlightenment. In doing so we'll meet a whole array of archetypal symbols which are represented in historical and semi-historical incidents. These symbols are not to be taken literally. They are not literally true but like all myth, they contain deep truths which can help us in our own lives.

The Buddha is now fully enlightened, all that remains is for him to go out into the world and teach the Dharma. He is preparing himself to leave and deciding where to go when two passing merchants chance upon him. The experience of seeing him stops them in their tracks. They are deeply moved by the blissful state which radiates from him. Both suddenly feel full of deep devotion and feel the need to make an offering of rice and honey - the first ever offering. At this, the earth shakes and the Four Great Kings appear, concerned that the Buddha has no bowl with which to receive the rice.

So here we are in myth again. Four Great Kings bringing four stone bowls which merge into one enormous bowl. The Buddha giving the merchants a gift of 8 hairs to take away and finally, the Buddha considering who he should teach when he leaves the forest. Shakyapada ends this series with an exploration of the symbolism of the final week

All over 18 welcome. Newcomers are also very welcome too.

No need to book, just turn up.

The evening is freely given but we would very much appreciate a donation of £8-£12, or whatever you can give, to help cover our costs. York Buddhist Centre depends for its existence almost entirely on donations from those who use it. No one is paid at YBC. Please support us if you can.

Shakyapada   Led by Shakyapada