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Precious Guru: an Evening Devoted to Padmasambhava

Precious Guru: an Evening Devoted to Padmasambhava

Wednesday 11 September 2024 7pm – 9:15pm

Padmasambhava, often known as the 'Second Buddha', is famous for conquering the demons of Tibet and establishing Buddhism there.

He is unique in that he was a real person - and accomplished yogi and scholar, yet little is known about his actual life and fascinating and powerful myths and stories surround this colourful character. These stories, whether factually true or not, are precious because they reveal spiritual truths and experiences that can help us in our practice

Tonight - as a celebration of Padmasambhava Day - Shakyapada will be exploring the life of Padmasambhava and telling some of the unusual and inspiring stories about him.

The evening is open to all over 18. There is no charge but we would ask you to make a small donation to help cover our expenses.