Parables from the White Lotus Sutra - The Jewel in the Cloak
Wednesday 3 April 2024 2:32pm – 4:32pm
Part of the Parables from the White Lotus Sutra Parables from the White Lotus Sutra sParables of the White Lotus Sutra series
The White Lotus Sutra is a popular and ancient text originating over 1000 years ago. It uses the entire cosmos for its stage, employs a multitude of mythological beings as actors and "speaks almost exclusively in the language of images as it explores Buddhist faith and practice. It has a cast of thousands and doesn't always make rational sense, rather like some modern sci-fi dramas. In this series we will be looking at a number of very evocative parables which are contained within the text.
In this third and final week, Tasha will be exploring the parable of ‘The Jewel in the Cloak’ and the questions and teachings which this parable has contained within it.
It tells the story of two friends who go out for a night together. One friend who is very wise and generous sews a priceless Jewel into the lining of his friend's cloak. But the friend, being quite drunk, does not notice and eventually he goes on his way trying to make a living for himself as he travels around. He works very hard and endures great hardship unaware that, actually, he is rich beyond measure if only he knew of the priceless jewel sewn in his cloak.
As with all the parables there are deep and helpful messages contained in this story which we will be exploring on the night.
All over 18 are welcome. Newcomers are very welcome.
No need to book, just turn up.
The evening is freely given but we would very much appreciate a donation of £8-£12, or whatever you can give, to help cover our costs. York Buddhist Centre depends for its existence almost entirely on donations from those who use it. No one is paid at YBC. Please support us if you can.