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The Dawning Moon of the Mind: Summer Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana for York and other Centres

The Dawning Moon of the Mind: Summer Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana for York and other Centres

Tuesday 3 January 2023 8pm – 1am

Led by Nagabodhi and Parami  at Adhisthana

For Order Members, Mitras and all those who have learned Triratna meditation. Studying the text of the Bodhicaryavatara (The Way of the Bodhisattva)

Our initial allocation of nine places is almost fully booked but we are hopeful that more places will be available by the spring so, if you are interested, please book the remaining place or add your name to this waiting list by following this link:

The retreat will be led by Parami and Nagabodhi, for whom the Bodhicaryavatara has been a key text since they studied it with Sangharakshita in the 1970s and 80s. Other experienced Order Members taking part include Saddhaloka, Saddhanandi and Dhammarati. This is a very special opportunity to experience both a week-long retreat and the beauty of Adhisthana in high Summer. It is open to all who have attended an Introductory Course and are already part of the York Sangha.

This is an opportunity for our York sangha to join other sanghas from around the UK and Ireland to come together at our beautiful Herefordshire Retreat Centre and take practice deeper in the context of the wider Triratna Sangha.

This is an ideal first full retreat for those who have never been on retreat before and is also perfect for those regulars who are familiar with retreats. We will be together as a sangha meeting in our own group to discuss and important and inspirational text with Shakyapada and other York teachers.  The aim will be to travel together sharing cars so that travel costs are minimal.

Composed by  the eighth century poet-scholar monk Shantideva, the Bodhicaryavatara, ‘The Way of the Bodhisattva’ offers a comprehensive, practical introduction to the Mahayana (later Buddhist) path. A remarkably short text, it packs a life-changing punch. With poetry, wisdom, sincerity. and a sense of urgency that can raise the hair on one’s  head, Shantideva calls us to fulfil life’s ultimate purpose. For him this is nothing less than to live the life of a Bodhisattva and manifest the enlightened mind in the world for the benefit of all beings.

More details and booking here - please book as soon as you can (deposit only required): 

Please let Shakyapada know when you have booked
Deposit: £70 (to secure a place)
Price: Waged/Supported (including deposit) £285  |  Unwaged/Unsupported (including deposit) £210

Book Now

Booking will be direct with Adhisthana - this is just to express your interest and be put on the list.