Thursday DAYTIME Group

Thursday DAYTIME Group

Every Thursday - Meditation and Introduction to Buddhism
Each week we will start with a guided meditation and, after a tea break, we'll explore some aspect of the Buddha's teaching. 
This regular group is a perfect introduction to Buddhism and meditation practice and is run on a drop-in basis - come as often as you can but it doesn't matter if you miss weeks as each session will be complete in itself. Join us just for the meditation or for the whole class.

This is a drop-in class so come when you can - no need to book

All over 18 Welcome. Suitable for all levels of experience - or none

There is no need to book, just turn up

DONATIONS: If you can, we ask you to make a donation each week when you attend. We suggest £8 to £12 each week but please give what you can. York Buddhist Centre has no outside income or support and no one is paid. So these classes are given freely in a spirit of friendship. However it costs over £3500 per month to keep York Buddhist Centre open so we depend on the generous support of those who use our centre. 

From Thursday 24th October…

Mind Reactive, Mind Creative

How we can tame our chattering minds and create a happier, more contented life

One of the Buddha’s key insights is that our mind conditions our thoughts, which in turn condition our actions, and thereby our world. 

This six-week sangha night theme looks at some very practical ways of changing our lives. We'll explores the idea that the mind operates in two very different ways, and that the spiritual life is essentially a movement from one to the other. We have the choice of being either reactive or creative, not just once, but at every moment. We will investigate just what that means in our own lives, looking at ways in which we can become less reactive and more creative, with a combination of teaching, discussion, meditation and practical exercises.

The path to contentment, is one of ever-increasing creativity and, in this six week module, we will be looking at one of the Buddha’s teachings in which he describes a sequence of ever-increasing creative states of mind, and increasing contentment, all the way to Enlightenment (or complete contentment). 

These classes are open to all those over 18 - both regulars and newcomers are very welcome.

As always there is no charge as we want to make this course available to all. However we have no outside income and we rely on donations to pay our expenses. Please help us by making a donation each week. We suggest £5 - £10  would be reasonable but the actual amount is up to you.

If you would like to download the book from which this six week theme is taken, you can do so here:  The book will also be available in printed form for £6



The Team
