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Entering the Realm of the Five Female Buddhas

Entering the Realm of the Five Female Buddhas

Wednesday 4 January 2023 7pm – 9:15pm

This week and for the next four weeks, at sangha night and on a Day Retreat, we'll be introducing the Five Female Buddhas - The Five Prajnas. Each of them represents a particular quallty of Awakening and each one is consort to one of the Five Jinas, who appear above the shrine in our centre.

They are:

Locana who represents Mirror-Like Wisdom and is the consort of Akshobya; 

Mamaki who represents the Wisdom of Sameness and is the consort of Ratnasambhava;

Pandaravasini who represents Discriminating Wisdom and is the consort of  Amitabha;

Sarayatara who represents All-Accomplishing Wisdom and is the consort of Amoghasiddhi;

Akasadhatesvari who represents the Dharmadhatu Wisdom (Absolute Reality) and is the consort of Vairocana.

Though neglected in much of Buddhist tradition, these Buddhas have become popular in Triratna practice, thanks to Vessantara who has introduced them to us, Their images and backgrounds are rich in symbolism and, as consorts to the Jinas and Buddhas in their own right, they can add inspiration to our practice of the Dharma.

As well as being Buddhas in their own right, they are sometimes portrayed in sexual union with the Five Jinas. This evening Shakyapada will be exploring at this imagery - known as yab-yum - and seeing what it represents, as well as exploring where they have come from and how they might help us in our practice.

Then, week by week, we'll be exploring each of them in turn - four of them on sangha nights. The fifth - Mamaki, who is very popular in Triratna - is the subject for Punyamala's Day Retreat on the 5th February. You can see more details of this Day Retreat and book a place here.

Everyone over 18 is very welcome.

There is no charge for any of our classes as we want everyone to be able to attend, regardless of means. However we rely on donations to pay all our substantial running costs. We would therefore appreciate a contribution if you are able. We suggest something like £5-£10 for Sangha Night, But please pay whatever you can manage.

Images: © Mumukshu, used here with permission. Cards available from York Buddhist Centre