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Dharma Day Celebration - a Hermit`s Puja

Dharma Day Celebration - a Hermit`s Puja

Wednesday 24 July 2024 7pm – 9:15pm

This week, to celebrate Dharma Day, the GFR Mitra* group are going to lead a night of wisdom, stillness and reflection inspired by the Japanese Zen poet, Ryokan.

Ryokan was born in 1758 and practiced as a Zen Monk throughout his adult life. In the last 30 years of his life, he returned to his native province in Japan, a remote and snowy region. For most of this time, he lived as a hermit in a small hut on the side of a mountain.
He wrote beautifully simple poetry about his everyday life, his loneliness during the winter, playing with the children in the village, getting drunk with friends on sake, the natural beauty of the mountains and the quality of contentment. 

Starting with a meditation and a brief talk about Ryokan`s life, after a coffee break there will be a special Puja featuring some of Ryokan`s poetry, compiled by Dharmavasita in 2017.

There is no need to book - just turn up and join in with the devotional ceremony as much as you wish to.

There is no charge but we would appreciate a small donation each week of around £5 to £10 towards our costs.

*GFR stands for ‘Going for Refuge ’(to the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha). Mitra is friend. Our GFR mitra group is made up of community members who are training for Ordination (into the Triratna Buddhist Order).